Amphora - Making the bottom deck
After a week of Church camp and spending some time with his mom, Mike is back at it. Here he is drawing the station lines to loft out the bottom deck.
Here Mike has enlisted his brother to give him a hand holding the batten to draw the curves for the side of the deck. His brother's name is Zachary, and Zach seems to be interested in what's going on here. He ask me later if I had any other plans for small boats. Hmmmm..... Sounds like a beginning of a whole HEAP fleet! :-)
Here is Zach again, this time taking a turn with the jig saw. Michael, thought it would be nice to let Zach help out here too.
Here is Mike and Zach by the newly cut out bottom deck. We had to stop for the day because some friends came over to give me a hand decking the roof of my out building. (We spent an hour lofting and cutting the bottom deck. The total project time for those interested has been 3 hours and 45 Minutes.)